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Old 10th September 2020, 14:34   #501
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Cool Finally it is dismantled .............

.............................. after 15 months. With the expertise of Allen along with the help of Matt and me, the eyesore or more commonly called the greenhouse is finally taken down.

Allen came around at 10 am with Leafy, full of tools. First job was to get the door off then the 8’ long roof panels, all 4 of them. All the screws used were stainless steel and 4” long. Allen had also brought his ladder as this structure was almost 12’ tall. Matt was on his way but was dropping Shirley off in Plymouth first. Unbeknown to Matt or us it would be sometime before he arrived as one of the major routes out of Plymouth was at a standstill.

Once the roof panels were off we stopped for tea, my main job for the day. Then back to work, whilst Allen was removing the roof joists I was allowed a screwdriver and started removing screws holding the polycarbonate panels in place. Obviously I could only reach the low down ones as I’m not allowed up ladders. That’s Allen’s rule which I abide to.

Matt finally arrived at 1pm and not in a happy mood but once his impact gun was in his hand he too started removing some of the lower joists. Allen had taken down most of the roof joists, handing them to me to stack up. Then another stop for tea. Then back to work. Next job was to remove the outer polycarbonate panels, on the road side. The other side next to the garage would be the pain to remover or so we thought.

Matt found that the panels on the garage side were actually held in place by battening on the inside. So with Allen removing the upper battens and Matt removing the lower ones the complete polycarbonate side came out in one piece. Once that was out I set about taking it apart with the help of Matt. Allen cut the uprights down with the aid of a chainsaw. Then it was just a case of taking some of the smaller panels apart, like the door.

Wow! What a difference it has made. That part of the garden looks tidier, well it will look better once the wood is gone. It had to be stacked somewhere, Allen is taking most of it as it is all good quality wood.. we then set about clearing up. All the polycarbonate panels are in the garage. Plus the roof panels and a few bits of the wood that I want. Then time to put the tools away. It was now 4pm. 6 hours to get it all down.

I thanked Allen and Matt for all there invaluable help. Allen left soon afterwards. Shirley phoned Matt to ask what bus she needed to get on to get back to mine. I said it’s a 2A, catch it outside the playhouse and ask the driver to tell you when you was in Yellowtor Road. Get off at the first stop and walk up The Court and you will find us. Well that was the plan. Shirley got on the right bus and got off at the right stop however when she crossed the road she took the wrong turning. After a few phone calls she finally arrived from a totally different direction to the one I expected that she should have taken.

Still after cup of tea she was feeling ok. So after awhile Matt Shirley left. I gave Shirley 3 strawberry plants to take home. I thanked Matt again for his help. And with that they were gone. I went back and looked at the space that had been created. Got a few ideas but more of that later.

My friends who were due to visit from Lincolnshire did cancel the trip. Terry did not want to leave his Dad in the empty house so they took him back to Spalding till after the funeral. Then Dad was going to stay with Terry’s brother. It looks as if Terry’s Dad will possibly sell the house and go into a home. Terry would like him to go and live with them, but we’ll have to wait and see on the outcome.

I posted up on Facebook marketplace this morning photos and descriptions of the roof and polycarbonate panels that I’m selling. There is a chap coming around tomorrow to have a look, and hopefully buy, the roof panels.
Will start on Saturday getting rid of the rubbish, some of the lower panels of wood are rotten plus I have grass cuttings to get rid.

Will post up a few photos of the work carried out.

Thanks for reading and the kind comments.

Definitely No Going Back.

234,744. Next tour starts on the 5/07/24.

onen hag oll
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Old 12th September 2020, 12:43   #502
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Cool Totally amazed.................

................................... how quick I sold the roof and wall panels on Facebook marketplace.

Panels removed Wednesday.
Photos and descriptions put on marketplace Thursday.
All sold, and paid for Friday.
And all the scrap wood and plastic taken by the same buyer on Saturday.
Plus I’ve made a new friend by the name of Tony, another ex-Londoner. He is renovating his house, formerly a shop, in Milton Abbot on the outskirts of Tavistock.

The roof and side panels along with the wood is being used to make a lean to in the back yard so he can still work when it’s raining.
A really nice and down to earth guy. We had such a laugh, till he showed interest in the Bear. Then it got serious. Did I want to sell? No. No way. No chance.
So I’ve been invited out to his place but I have to take the Bear so that I can take him for a drive.

I was hoping to get down to Newquay airport to see the arrival of the NHS Spitfire. It was flying over all the Cornish hospitals to say Thank You to the NHS staff in these troubled times. I expect it will be back seeing as the virus appears to be returning.
So after Tony left in his battered LDV high top van, I loaded up the Bear with the garden rubbish and visited the tip. Been there so often I’m on first name terms with the guy on the gate.

So once Allen comes round, hopefully tomorrow, and takes the rest of the wood then I can get the end of the garden sorted out. Going to have decking put down but the with the rot proof composite decking. Found a local company that can do it for me.

Thanks for reading.

234,744. Next tour starts on the 5/07/24.

onen hag oll
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Old 13th September 2020, 11:09   #503
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Cool The eyesore in pictures..........................

....................................... 5 photos of the greenhouse.

1- When I first moved in.
2- The day it came down.
3- Panels off.
4- The plain wall.
5- Panels and wood getting ready to move on.
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234,744. Next tour starts on the 5/07/24.

onen hag oll
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Old 22nd September 2020, 19:52   #504
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Cool Visitors from England.................

............................... today, and they brought the English weather with them. Last week we have had glorious, and hot, sunshine. But not today. Clouds and a fine misting of the wet stuff. And to cap it all I was expecting them to arrive in the Yellow MG and not the Red Mercedez-Benz Coupe. Still it was nice to see Gordon and Amanda.

I first met Gordon at the Halfway House near Brentwood when we used to have the car meets there. We have been friends ever since. Gordon drives a 52 plate MG ZS in Trophy Yellow V6. Been in the wars but is still holding it’s own except on this trip. First met Amanda about 3 years ago when she turned up with Gordon at a meet. It’s her Mercedez-Benz that they are using on holiday.

We had a nice chat about the current crisis and then about model cars, Gordon is another collector. Mainly collects model Ford Escorts. I’ve only one and that’s the Cosworth variation in rally form.
They left about 5pm to wend there way back to their holiday home the other side of Plymouth.

Been digging out the plants under the Camila tree. Hard work in the heat but I do the work in stages so as not to tire myself out. Got two large bags full of garden rubbish to take down the tip, on Thursday as it is an even day. I can go on even days. Still have not decided what to do with the area where the greenhouse was. Lots of positive comments about its removal.

Done my neighbour a favour by giving her lift into town for her hairdressers appointment. She has mis-read the time for the appointment. Happy to help.
Next door moved out finally yesterday, the 21st was the cut off day. A bit miffed as he never even said goodbye. Still I expect I’ll see him around at some point as he has only moved less than a mile away.
Now waiting on the new people to move in.

Got my feet examination on the Friday, I am supposed to go and see how the arthritis is doing every 3 months but what with the lockdown I’ve not been since January. Been waiting for the appointment since then.
Got my flu jab on the 20th of next month, Allen, Val and Barbara follow me in.
Health is ok other than that.
Still not having dairy products, last time I bought any butter or milk was over 2 years ago. Only buy cheese slices that can last me up to two weeks. I forget the last time Bought any eggs.

Nor have I had any chocolate in the same time, or any other sweets come to think of it. Over the years dairy products have taken there toll on my insides. Must admit I’ve not missed the stuff, although occasionally I fancy some chocolate. Cut back on the falling down water as well. Might have the occasional single malt before bed. But not every night.

A bit disappointed that the Classic Car show at the NEC has been cancelled. Was looking forward to attending this year but under the circumstances it is a good job it’s not on. Maybe next year.
Club stock is still trickling out, so that keeps me busy as well.
Not attended any car breakfast meets since March either, just not worth the risk, although I did miss the last Frimley meet, never heard the alarm clock.

No plans to return to London this year. I keep in touch with Michael by phone about once a month. Had his eye op and all ok.
Roger has phoned to say all ok from his holiday home on Bermuda, his children haven’t stopped hugging him since he returned.

So Definitely No Going Back....................

Many thanks for reading and the kind comments. Hope to meet up with some you Next Year.

234,744. Next tour starts on the 5/07/24.

onen hag oll
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Old 25th September 2020, 11:11   #505
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Cool Some good news,...............

................................ for me anyway. Been to see the arthritis specialist, private by the way, and the news is very good. My arthritis in my feet has got no worse, no better either, but the arterial response is very good. This is also part of my diabetes as well, so the check up is two fold. No difference in the test on my nerve ends, she was well pleased with my quick responses.

The fluctuation in my feet, they are either cold or hot, is purely down to my diabetes and can be managed in either being treated with tablets, cream or live with it.
((Tried the tablets when I lived up in Essex. The side effects made me a prisoner in my own home. Constantly tired, and I mean tired to the point of nodding off whenever I sat down. So no driving or travelling on the bus. The other side effect was the constant diarrhoea. I even fell asleep sitting on the loo. Not a good outcome)).

The cream is applied when my feet are cold. Some of the ingredients are red chillii’s, these trick my nerves and my brain into thinking that my feet are not cold but warm. The downside is when my feet are naturally hot, then I‘ll need stand on the cold floor with my socks on. This then confuses the issue.

The third option is to do, what I have been doing for the last 5 years, is to live with it. It’s not life threatening just annoying at times. In bed is where I feel the cold the most. Tried wearing the special bed socks but ended up taking them off after a few minutes as they made my feet itch. Tried the hot water bottle, wrapped in a towel, works ok till the bottle loses its warmth.

Just lately I have been leaving a fleece blanket folded at the bottom of the bed and this works ok. It usually ends up on the floor by the time morning comes. But by then my feet are cosy. So all in all my health is ok for my age. The cutting out of most diary products, along with the lack of chocolate and the cutting down on the falling down water has seen me lose a bit of weight. I now sleep a full 8 hours without getting up in the night for a wee.

So I thought I would share my good news with you all in these troubled times. And my next appointment is the day before my birthday, so hopefully it will be great birthday present to celebrate.

Thanks for reading and the kind comments

Please keep safe, and I’ll catch up with you all next year.

234,744. Next tour starts on the 5/07/24.

onen hag oll
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Old 6th October 2020, 14:35   #506
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Cool Such a nice feeling.............................

................................... of being trusted with someone else's front door key. People I hardly know, I might have been here in the house almost 16 months but do people really know me or do I really know them. Felt it was a great privilege to be asked as they have family living in town. They both work at the local school and it would have been difficult for either of them to pop home to take the delivery in.

So Gerry dropped the front door key off last night. The instructions were that Gerry would phone me when the delivery company contacted him and were ready to deliver between 08.00 & 11.00, Now I have the builders in, new decking going down where the eyesore, greenhouse, was. So I would have to let them know that I would be missing for a short time. But they are a couple of great lads and they can be trusted.

So Gerry phoned me at 09.45 and said the delivery was on its way. So armed with the front door key, and my face shield I set off across the road. Didn't have long to wait before the wagon pulled up. Neither the driver or his mate had masks on, so I kept out of there way. The box was huge, again I kept out of the way whilst they deposited the box in the lounge. They made a note of my name and was gone.

I locked up and came home. Time to put the kettle on for our tea break. The lads, bless them, have worked bloomin' hard getting the ground ready for the decking to go down. 8 support posts have been concreted in. This is to bring the decking up level with the lawn. No steps for me to slip down or trip up. The lads are local and both live in Saltash and have been running their own business for about three years. All types of building work undertaken except for plumbing or electrical. But this work is carried out by another company.

The work is now finished and I'm well pleased with the job. They cleared up each day and took all the rubbish away. In fact when they left you would never think that anyone had been there. I did get a couple of estimates from a couple of other companies, but this team were the only ones who said that the rubbish clearance was included in the price. One company wanted an extra £200 to take the rubbish away.

On October 1st my new neighbour moved in next door. A very nice lady with her two children an her boyfriend. She is going through a messy divorce at the moment. Been living with her mum since her marriage came to an end.
She is a manager for a care home company that specialises in care in your own home. Be an idea to inquire for future reference for me. Her boyfriend works but no idea what he does. Nice friendly chap parks his Focus in the space where I used to park the Bear.

Until I can get the troublesome tree sorted out I'm parking Bear behind Banana out in the street. The lady has one of those huge Mini's.
When OxfordBlue75 sold his car he had a load of spares to sell and Ravinder up in Fife bought a load including 5 wheels, Ravinder asked me if I would store everything till he could arrange collection. I said yes but then found out that another member had been storing stuff for over 2 months for Ravinder.
Hoping it wouldn't be that long before collection.

But after a couple of false starts a friend of Rav's has collected all the spares from me plus the other forum member. That has emptied the garage a bit. Need to get rid of the wood and sitting up in the corner is a complete Rover 75 interior, it belongs to Allen. Will need to have a chat with him about it going.
I have also gutted my back garden. I have taken 11 large canvas bags to the tip so far, still more to shift. There was a troublesome stump that needed to come out of the ground.

I still had Allen's pickaxe, the type that has a point at one end and a blade on the other side. That will get the stump out of the ground. So into the garage I went to get it. It was at the back of the other garden tools. But instead of me moving the other tools out of the way, I decided to lift it out. Bad move as I lifted it out I unseated the hedge trimmer, a G-Tech cordless, from its bracket. Luckily for me the blades had the plastic cover on. Still it gave me a hefty whack on the head. I might have mumbled a few choice words.

Only a red mark where it had contacted with my head, but a bruise did appear a few days later on. But the pickaxe done its job and the stump came out, eventually.
So other than a couple of trips out to Tavistock plus shopping trips I have been staying in.
Been buying damaged models off of eBay to repair. 3 Bentley Exp Le Mans cars. Made 1 good one out of them. Rescued a MG Metro 4R6, which had loose seats and no steering wheel. That is repaired.

Got 3 large, 1/16th scale models coming, 2 Bentley Exp Le Mans cars, both damaged. And a MGB GT which has paint issues and a broken axle. So more winter projects are keeping me busy.

A few photos of the decking work.

Will catch up with most of you next year. Stay Safe and thanks for reading and the kind comments.
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234,744. Next tour starts on the 5/07/24.

onen hag oll
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Old 18th October 2020, 10:26   #507
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Cool There are times when........................

..................................... when I shouldn’t be allowed out on my own.
Last Wednesday was a glorious day, beautiful blue sky and warm sunshine. Ideal for getting the washing down. Beds stripped, clean towels and whatever was is in the linen basket. Learnt the hard way about not separating the the coloureds along with the white bits.

Once the whirly gig machine had finished I hung out the washing. This is where it starts to go downhill, fast. I learnt last year how to get the conditioner drawer came out of the whirly gig machine. Just slide the drawer forward about an inch and you can get the centre section out, but not this time. This time I pulled the whole drawer out. Mmmm!!!!!!!! Oh! Well! It needs a good clean as there was a build up of fabric conditioner. Once cleaned I set about putting it back.

An hour later I could be found sitting on the floor armed with a pair of pliers still trying to get the drawer back in. I could get the drawer in but the little door wouldn’t shut. Then I had a lightbulb thought. The drawer doesn’t go in the opening, it fixes to the door. So with it clipped back onto the door it works fine.
It doesn’t get any better.

I had got out of the fridge a nice pork chop for dinner and I like a sprinkling of garlic salt on. So I get the garlic salt and it wouldn’t sprinkle. Gave it a shake. Ok take the top off and give it a poke, except I turned the jar upside down and gave it a tap on the chopping board. And now I have the smell of garlic in the kitchen. Now it wouldn’t have been so bad if the salt had just landed on the board but I had tapped the jar against the side of the board. And I have laminate flooring.
Got the handheld vacuum cleaner and managed to get most of it cleaned, except for the garlic that went down the gaps.
It gets worse.

On Tuesday last I took the Bear into the garage to have the brakes sorted out, again. This time the flexible pipe on the n/s/f had collapsed causing the piston in the Caliper the lock onto the disc. Now driving the car to the garage without touching the brake pedal can be a bind, pardon the pun. Allen followed me up to give me a lift back and he said that he thought I had brake light failure as they never came on till we got to the garage. I was slowing down in plenty of time by using the gearbox to slow me down.

The garage is at Truelfoot which is about 6 miles from home, just off of the A38. It sits back up a very narrow lane and is called Polyne Garage. (Remember that name). Allen then dropped me off home and I said as soon as I know the car is ready I would give him a bell and he would take me back to collect. That was on Tuesday.

So on Thursday I thought I would give the garage a bell. A woman answered, strange I thought I don’t remember any women at the garage.
“Hi, just phoning up about my MG V8 to see how things are going”
She replied, “We haven’t got got your car”.
“Yes you have, I dropped it off on Tuesday”.
She replied, “Not here you didn’t”.

Then another lightbulb exploded in my brain. I was phoning Moorlands Garage and not Polyne. I apologised and went for a lay down in a darkened room.

We collected the car on Friday.

Thought I would give you all a laugh in these troubled times.

Keep safe and I’ll catch up with you all next year.

234,744. Next tour starts on the 5/07/24.

onen hag oll

Last edited by FLYING BANANA; 18th October 2020 at 10:31.. Reason: Spellin’
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Old 18th October 2020, 13:44   #508
Posted a thing or two
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You're not alone Bob, I have similar senior moments myself, lol,

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Old 31st October 2020, 12:58   #509
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Cool We have news from England..................................

........................................... It seems that my late god son's ex-wife is seriously ill in hospital. Had a stroke last week, quite a bad one. Her daughter Elizabeth has been to the hospital to see her but was only allowed a few minutes. I was surprised that she went to see her mum, seeing as they hate the sight of one and other. But Elizabeth explained that having lost her Dad she thought that she would try and make peace with her. Doubtful that will happen now.

Roger is still out in the Caribbean with his family. It's highly unlikely that he will ever return to Brazil. He has sold all his businesses along with the house. Wants to come back to the UK and start all over again. I cannot see that happening for some time yet.

Spoke to Michael on the phone last week. His eye operation was a success. His daughter Laura came and stayed with him whilst he he recuperated, think she needed to get out of the flat for a break. Laura has joined up with a couple of other girls, they have gone into business together designing jewellery. As per norm Michael has put the funds up for her contribution to the business. I hope she is successful.

My new neighbour, Kelsey, has been into my house and has fell in love with it. She has said that her and her boyfriend have had decorate the kids bedrooms in their rented house. They got permission from the owners.
Anyhow Kelsey popped in and asked to borrow a screwdriver, done this about 4 times now. She said to me, "I'll have to get myself a tool kit so I stop bothering you".
I answered, "No don't do that, I like you popping in. Your smile brightens up my day". Kelsey replied,"That's the best chat up line I have heard for a long time".

The weather has been horrendous down here. Has stopped me going out into the garden. In between the showers I have planted out a load of bulbs. Just want to get some winter pansies in, but will wait till the rain stops. And the grass wants cutting again.
Have had a tidy up in the garage and took a load of stuff up to the tip.
I'm only going out for essential shopping. So both cars are taking it in turn.

Heard a great expression on the radio the other day. "When we get through this mattress, I'll see you all in the spring". Made me chuckle.

So keep safe and see you next year.

234,744. Next tour starts on the 5/07/24.

onen hag oll
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Old 21st November 2020, 17:33   #510
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Cool Not good news concerning various neighbours...................

................................. we have one in hospital having suffered a massive heart attack. Touch and go at the moment. Another neighbour has suffered a stroke, initially in hospital but home now. Unable to speak and struggling to walk. His family have rallied round to help his wife as best they can in these troubled times.
Elderly lady across the road has had a fall and broke her wrist.

My neighbour, Karen, is due to go into hospital next month for knee replacement. Was due to go into the local NHS hospital but she is now going into the local Nuffield hospital. Fingers crossed it all goes ahead. And to cap it all I’ve had a fall. Tripped over my neighbours dogs lead. Fell backwards, my well cushioned rear absorbed the fall. But I did end flat on my back on the pavement. Winded but ok. Took me a few minutes to grasp what had happened. The dog, a golden retriever puppy came and sat on my lap.

It took Gerry and Karen to get me on my feet, and then they me made sit on the step. To get my breath back.
And the puppy came and sat on my lap again. Bruised my shoulder but other than that I was ok.
The weather has not been all that good, mostly rain but a few clear days. Managed to get my winter pansies in. Mostly in pots but a few made it into the ground.

I have strawberries still flowering, and berries are coming through. And the friendship rose is flowering for the third time this year. It’s never done that before. And my two Camila bushes are starting to flower, not sure if they are late or very early to flower. Still it adds colour to the gardens. Been up the tip with the garden rubbish twice this week.
Both cars are running ok. But Banana will be going in to the workshop in the New Year to get the gremlins sorted out for once and all.
The Bear has been back to the garage to sort out the ongoing brake problem.

Richards ex-wife, who suffered a stroke, is still in hospital but is getting better. She was supposed to be in court next month to answer the burglary and handling stolen goods charges. That looks like it will be put back till she is able to leave hospital, and strong enough to go to court. Knowing her it will be a long time before that happens. Her daughter, Elizabeth, has been in contact with her mum but only by letter as no visitors are not allowed. Not sure how things will pan out.

As you may know that on the 30th November 2017 I was notified by letter that not only had my older brother passed away but he had been cremated as well. Trying to find out why I wasn’t told that he was in hospital with inoperable cancer or why I wasn’t told about his death and the date of his funeral was an uphill battle. Up and till now I was no wiser. All I knew was where his ashes had been scattered, or so I thought. Last year, 2019, on one of my mini tours I attended the the cemetery in Sussex to pay my respects.
Turns out his ashes HAVE NOT been scattered yet.

When my mobile rings if I don’t recognise the number I don’t pick up the phone, so when it rang three weeks ago I let it go to voicemail. Came as a surprise to hear a lady wanting to speak to me about the death of my brother. So I phoned back. Turns out that she is a solicitor acting on my sister in laws behalf. The solicitor said that she had written to me 6 times and all 6 letters had been returned unopened. I politely asked where she had been sending the letters to. “Barkingside”. She replied. And I said, “there lies the problem as I moved out in June 2018”.

So I asked where did you get my mobile number from, she said that my sister in law had come across it whilst sorting through my brothers papers. Personally I don’t believe that for one moment but I have no proof. Anyway my sister in law now wants to see me and explain everything. I asked if that was the case then why not phone me direct. The solicitor replied that it was best done through a third party in case I lost my temper and shouted at her. As if I would?

They want me to travel to Southend, in Essex, and meet at the solicitors office. My answer was owing to the lockdown there was no way I was driving that far to see them. And what guarantees was there that my sister in law would actually attend, as the last time we was supposed to meet she failed to turn up.
I very politely said to the solicitor that if my sister in law wanted to speak to me then she can phone me direct.

Well that was three weeks ago. Absolutely nothing since. No phone calls or letters from anyone.(I did give the solicitor my new address). I cannot phone my sister in law as I don’t know where she is. She sold the house in Southend Essex soon after my brother passed away. And I don’t see why I have to do all the chasing about. She could still be in Southend or at a daughters in Chichester or maybe at her son’s who lives on the Isle of Man.
To be perfectly honest it doesn’t bother me anymore to the reasons why. And up and till three weeks ago I had not given it much thought.

So that’s the news up to date.

I hope you are all keeping well and keeping out of trouble.

Thanks for reading. Hoping to catch up with some of you in the New Year.

234,744. Next tour starts on the 5/07/24.

onen hag oll
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