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Old 12th January 2020, 13:35   #242
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Originally Posted by Halkyon View Post
Gravity is a theory, Newtonian mechanics is a theory, the standard model of Quantum mechanics is a theory, we have a theory that the earth is mostly spherical rather than flat, and that the earth orbits the sun. Theory; that is what we call our models of how the world works in science, nothing is ever "fact", just 99.9% likely to be predictive of reality - true or fact in layman's terms. This terminology reflects the fact that the scientific method is the most powerful, self-disciplining, self-correcting and robust methodology for understanding reality that we've ever come up with. The public understanding of the scientific method leads to ideas such as the one quoted when we indulge in motivated reasoning (looking for evidence of your opinion rather than the opposite). Unfortunately the Internet search enables any crank to find whatever information they like.

Electric cars are not perfect, environmentally, but they are far less harmful. Letting the perfect get in the way of the good is not a sensible way to live one's life or run a society, as the perfect rarely or never exists.

Well, said. Both scientifically and factually correct if I may say. By far the greater majority, the independent ones at least, are rigidly relaying their findings and theories and allowing secondary peer review to give their approval or otherwise to the results. That’s exactly as it should be.

Then the world of sceptics gets on its hind legs and inserts its oar. Some objections are valid due to other studies which contradict accepted conclusions, Some are highly controversial in that the objectors challenge the accepted verdict by abstracting alternative verdicts because:

1. They select data to confirm a conclusion that is selective or in some way contrary to the opinion of those who have little other than professional standing invested in the result, one way or the other. Throughout history ‘findings’ have been challenged, some successfully some less so, and have been occasionally rubbished or amended.

2. Professional activists, desperately searching for validation in a crowded ‘community’, call for crowd-assisted momentum to further a hidden agenda.

Away from the heated debate there exist modest but professional organisations that are somehow ignored and have little public exposure yet are just as professional in their scientific rigour. In this scenario the loudest and most heart-wrenching appellants gain supremacy. That is the anomaly, the unfailing result of mass indoctrination.

So far, following changing times and theories, there have been many, both scientific and popular, changes to accepted theory which are revolutionary to a greater or lesser extent.

Given modern day motives of the mass markets and pure mass media greed there will be, possibly in years to come, major shifts. You only have to look at the tragedy that is Australia to see ancient Aboriginal practice born of pre-history experience trashed by modern-day dogma for the inevitable terrible consequences. Mankind, as an endangered species, is generally, ultimately, stupid. Usually fully in the face of its so-called Science.
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