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Old 8th October 2007, 06:51   #1
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Default First time towing caravan with 75

After my little boys saying they want to go to the seaside, I have decided to take them away in our caravan, within the next few weeks.

I have towed before, including wagon and drags.....

But I am unsure of how my tourer van will behave with my 75.
So I'm sure it will be a pleasurable experience compared to towing with my then Focus.

I'm just looking for ideas, where to go........Where will be open??

Distance is no problem (I used to be a continental courier), would prefer to stay in the UK but like to stay away from the Highlands....

It will be a first for my boys, their used to a few hours on a plane or stopping in Motels on the way to South Spain.

Billing Aquadrome would have been my first choice, but it lacks sand and

Any input will be much appreciated....

Thanks in advance.
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