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Old 27th January 2011, 18:22   #11
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Originally Posted by StevenWilliams View Post
The 6 year limit is quite misleading and often mis-quoted (Not by you BTW)
A company is liable to some degree during the 6 year period and thats why companies like hotpoint offer a free 5 year parts gtee. In the small claims court (Where these things quite often end up) they are often seen as already offering more than they need to during the later years and a fair and reasonable callout charge is perfectly acceptable.

That said is 24 Months a good duration for it to last? probably not. Is the company that sold it to you liable? Quite possibly but not the manufacturer beyond the 5 year parts Gtee they have already offered as the sales of goods act covers the contract between the shop and the customer and not the customer and the manufacturer.

It's a minefield.. and I love it.

just fight fight fight and hope you get somewhere but rememebr the fight is with the seller not the manufacturer.
This is where we stand, we contacted hotpoint and they said the standard callout fee is £105 , But we could buy an extended warrenty for £160. so thats what we did, i will wait to find what their OWN engineer says the problem is, if it is the PCB then i will take it from there, The paramount thing was to get it working again.
So in your opinion if the PCB has gone, then do we approach the seller or hotpoint about partial refund, as the parts are covered for 5 years then some one should reimburse me £105 imho.
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