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Old 21st January 2010, 08:51   #10
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Originally Posted by Jules View Post
That's correct Gents
In this Nanny State we're now enduring, a friend of mine got a tap on his car window 2 weeks ago from a traffic Cop,......."are you using the phone Sir"
were the Officer's words.

John was stationary at the time, he had pulled over in a safe place to take a call from Primary School that his son had been taken ill & could he be collected.

Instant penalty & 3 points were the result of this.
The law is (& and has been for some time)
If you use your phone while the keys are in the ignition, it's an offence.

Funny isn't it why it's not an offence to target Smokers while driving because the Government would loose so much revenue.
It's also an offence to eat an apple or a Sandwich while at the wheel too!

I'm sure my blacked out rear window has saved me a few points, cos I don't consider myself a dangerous driver while eating an apple.
End of Rant for today.
Good evening
while i dont agree with the nanny state, i do believ that doing any thing other than driving while driving is dangerous, from eating an apple to drinking a can of coke, i was a delivery driver for years so i know what the dangers are, its been a well know fact if you want to use your fone in a car, pull over and take your keys out, thats the law, ignorance is not an excuse, if i see some one on the fone i do shake my head at them, i think tho that a police man can exorsise common sense and i supect that copper was down of his targets for the day. i fully back the police when they book some one who is driving and using a phone, eating an apple etc, i dont play with the radio while driving, some think its daft, but i have been a victim of some one who was playing with a car radio while driving, they wrote my mk 2 granada off while doing this, ITS DANGEROUSE FOR PETES SAKE. use the force luke was a movie concept, not reality, how people can drive with out the eyes on the road i dont know, how many children have been killed cos the driver glanced away for a split second. my advice is. pullover. stop. take keys out. place on dash board. now make your call
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