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Old 27th March 2007, 23:07   #6
The Yellow Peril
Posted a thing or two
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Primrose Yellow 75 V6 Conn SE

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Default Convoy

Wendy & I were the convoys rear gunners, trying to anticipate when the rest of you in front were going to overtake so that we could pull out early and block the lane preventing none quality car drivers from slipping in between us. I must say driving at the back was a bit like being the last dancer on the end of the chorous line, whilst the leader may have been cruising at a steady 70, the "catapillar" effect came into play and I found that I was either accelerating to catch up or breaking to avoid piling into the back of the 75T in front. Favorite moment, following the rest of you around a very tight bend on a B road at nearly sixty without breaking - gave the missus the shrieks!! Worth it just for that.


(Big) AndyG
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