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Old 18th April 2024, 19:00   #12
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Originally Posted by Lancpudn View Post
These green road vents that act as a vacuum cleaner to suck up tyre particles & brake dust ... Those particles & exhaust fumes will go through a scrubbing system & the clean air vented from a roadside cabinet.

Ian, this strikes me as either a joke or a hair-brained scheme devised by politicians with no technical knowledge that reminds me of John McEnroe's catchphrase: "You cannot be serious".

For example, how much suction would be necessary to gather brake dust from a moving vehicle whose wheels are unlikely to be passing directly over the vents? Most of my brake dust is attracted to the alloy wheels and it takes a strong cleaning agent with water to remove it.

How are cyclists and pedestrians going to traverse the force of the suction safely assuming that the vents are not quickly blocked by autumn leaves and street refuse (which of course they will be)?

Installation would involve excavating the road and where in London is the extraction plant going to be built?

It's a ludicrous idea with all the hallmarks of an electoral gimmick from the Mayor of London. Whilst he continues to bang on about motor vehicle pollution, the air quality in the deep level tube lines is appalling. Obviously that's not on the agenda for public discussion.

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Sir Henry Royce.
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