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Old 8th April 2024, 13:23   #7
Gets stuck in

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Default Yu Energy

How dare you suggest that these are the worst energy suppliers, or that they are all as bad as each other!!!

It is very clear that Yu Energy are the very worst suppliers in the world!!!

I've been with them for over a year now.

Every monthly bill is incorrect.

The monthly overcharges range from £250 to over £2000.

I've complained twice to the energy ombudsman who have upheld every complaint I made and ordered Yu energy to compensate me and correct the bills.

Eventually after arguing with the ombudsman they corrected the bill.

The next month they overcharged by £200.

They agree they have overcharged and just refuse to correct it.

I'm about to make my third complaint to the ombudsman.

If you saw this behaviour in a film you would say it is too far fetched, but believe me it is exactly how they do business, bullying by email, phone and letter.

So let's have no more nonsense about who is worst.

Yu Energy are head and shoulders below the worst of the worst.

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