Thread: Some Bad News
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Old 6th February 2024, 11:30   #8
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Hi Martin. Menieres is something that comes on suddenly. My wife and I were in the middle of Birmingham, by Snow Hill station, when all of a sudden, she said she felt giddy. Seconds later I was holding on to her as she fell over looking like she was having a heart attack. Long story short. We were going to drive through France down to Italy in 2006, and we wanted to know if everything was ok. We paid to see a private hospital Dr about it. It turned out she had Menieres. She was given some tablets, which she takes to this day if she thinks she is going to have an attack. These come on like you say, suddenly without warning. The tablets have to be put under the top lip and let them dissolve. Touch wood, she has only been caught out a couple of times since with an attack. The Dr said they don’t really know why they work, but who cares so long as they do. I will find out what they are called , and add them to this post later. My wife goes grey, very cold and feels sick if she has an attack, do you ?
Great Barr, Birmingham.
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