Thread: Testicle Pain
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Old 11th July 2022, 20:20   #357
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Originally Posted by Gate Keeper View Post
That’s a tough break for you Wes, a living nightmare and an enormous decision for you and the doctors to have to take. Do take care and keep us posted.
It certainly is Phil, everyday is torture on so many levels, the pain is one thing, but it affects everything and everyone around me, just the stress alone will finish me off.

The most positive thing from all of this Phil, is the fact that the first orchi surgery has helped, I no longer get excruciating pain from the epididymis, as it's no longer there; but instead my remaining one has become so much worse. So if we copy and paste the same for the second bad-boy, hopefully that pain will be gone too, and with both cords removed via the inguinal approach, this can hopefully improve things even further.

To make matters even worse I have larger varicoceles on the remaining one, and the pain I get is extreme, feels like a blockage/pressure feeling, the pain just cripples me, I cant even walk when it's bad.

Yes, losing both is taking a big chance, but I'm going to have to take that chance Phil, I don't have a life as it is now, so something has to happen. The docs are talking about sending me to the nuro clinic in London first, but everything is just taking such a long time, the NHS is snowed under with a backlog of patients, and because I don't have cancer, I'm at the bottom of the list.

What about you Phil, how are you keeping?

Last edited by Dallas; 12th July 2022 at 07:32..
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