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Old 17th January 2022, 17:31   #1
Gets stuck in
VW touareg

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Default Back from the dead,a lesson to be learnt

Not car related but one for all the dog owners on here.
I'm posting here as it will get more views but mods feel free to move to a more suitable location.

Whilst out with the wife and the dog this morning,as usual we stopped at the park to give Hugo a run.
All fine so far.
Then ,after running around,gave him a biscuit and within a minute he was choking.
Tried rubbing his neck and thumping on his back but nothing.
Then he collapsed , couldn't breathe.
After a couple of minutes his tongue turned blue,gums were blue , stopped breathing,eyes rolled back in his head,and messed himself.

Wife had her hand down his throat and was getting bitten,reflex reaction,I was trying the Heimlich maneuver on him to dislodge the biscuit.
Then went over to CPR for what felt like ages.
Blowing down his nose showed a blockage as no air was get in.
Back to CPR and this time the wife managed to grab the offending biscuit.

But by now he had been dead for a good 5 minutes

Blowing down his nose again and air went in, keep going with the compressions.

Eyes slowly opened, breathing very shallow, tongue and gums turning pink.

Time to stop and take in what had happened.

I ran home to get the car, nearly having a heart attack to the vets.

Time we got there he was nearly back to normal.
Vets said slight graving and swelling in the throat but everything else is fine.
Called him a miracle dog.

Sorry for the long post but we learnt to do doggy CPR and Heimlich maneuver from YouTube.
Please take 10 minutes to watch a video and you never know....a simple cheesy wedge nearly took our boy

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