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Old 4th December 2021, 15:20   #9
I really should get out more.......
MG ZT-T 260

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A friend of the wife has a Jaguar I pace, its actually her husbands but he found the range was so bad he started using her car as she only has a 100 round mile trip to work.

She has to charge it every night and when the weather is bad she says the range anxiety is terrible and often gets home with less than 20 miles left. It has got to the point where she will be swapping it in for a ICE powered vehicle in the new year. The Jaguar dealer is not interested in taking it back as a PartEx unless they want to take a big loss as they apparently have quite a few already.

I hope things get a lot better in the next 9 years or a lot of people will be holding on to there existing vehicles. It makes you wonder if it would be a good idea to buy a few ICE powered vehicles while you still can and store them away.
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