Thread: Virus spread
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Old 6th October 2021, 11:22   #18
Posted a thing or two

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Originally Posted by mbev51 View Post
Hi, the COVID virus is rampant around where I live in rural Cumbria. My wife went to her recently restarted choir evening, which involved being close to others. The next evening we went to a musical evening. The next day my wife felt a little off, thought it was a bit of a hangover to start with, then did a COVID test that looked positive. That result has been confirmed via a PCR test. I’ve just had a PCR test this morning, I’m hoping it’s positive, I’m not in any way trying to keep my distance from my wife. She’s on her feet downstairs doing bits and bobs but is not feeling her normal self. A number of people at the choir have tested positive. I believe it’s the government idea that by relaxing all the rules that it accelerates the spread and that’s what they want. It will suit me to get it now, as I normally visit my aged parents once a week. Everyone who is putting themselves about will be exposed to it. This is far from over.
The government is not responsible for virus transmission, it is people.
30k+ plus people per day are contracting it!

Choir practice, one of the best forms of transmitting the virus either by droplet or within air-streams. Then go to another social function immediately? I would have waited 5-7 days.

Double jabbed people can still get COVID-SARs2 virus (it is usually much less severe but that depends on age group and personal health) and I believe the death rate for them is around 4%.

We have had plenty of flu deaths every year but like road deaths they tend to not hit the media very often and more likely, most people don't get very interested in something that they have missed by hook or by crook!

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