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Old 4th July 2021, 19:54   #199
dave lincs
Posted a thing or two
Rover 75 Saloon

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Originally Posted by trikey View Post
Well where do I begin? This is going to sound like an Oscar's speech but things have to be said..

Firstly thanks to Dave Lincs and the Mid lincs Rover club for putting on the event and to Ricardo for organising 'Our' side of things.

Another big thanks to Elroy for helping out the Mid Lincs crew and for making the lovely wooden display case for Beejay's shield, and congratulations to Dawn for being voted the best car for 2021 A really well deserved winner.

Thanks to TourerSteve for erecting the gazebo in record time for us all to shelter out of the 15min rainstorm.

I didn't get chance to see many of the cars on display, or the museum as I was too busy catching up with old friends, and meeting new ones (This is always the sign of a good meet) Especially this year as we have all been desperate to get things back to normal.

Another big thank you to Kev666 & Denise for being the perfect hosts at the campsite, a fried breakfast on both days sorted out fuzzy heads, I'm sure it was sunstroke that contributed to our fuzzy heads and not copious amounts of beery type drinks (Every time the glass was empty, Kev or Marinabrian appeared with another full one!)

Thanks to Deb's Mum & stepdad for surprising Deb by turning up at the meet, she wasn't aware they were popping down for the day, it was really nice to see Deb getting back to her old self again, meeting mates really did lift her spirits this weekend.

We were also surprised to be presented with gifts and a card from The Yorkshire / Norfolk contingent, We would like to thank you guys and girls for this, it is really, really appreciated.

Meg would like to say a big doggie thank you to Russp and Heather for the large bag of doggie treats.

And lastly, thank you guys and girls for turning up from across the UK and making the day what it was, this meet really needs to be put up as a National meet at some point as the venue really does cater for everyone and the parking areas and facilities are brilliant.

Apologies to the folk I didn't manage to chat to, the day really flew by as did the whole weekend, lets hope we can have more meets like this over the Summer.
That's a great speech Trikey (The Norfolk snuffeller) and must say it was a great day and well worth the effort to see everyone having a good time I must also say sorry to people who know me that I never got a chance to talk to but I will organise another meet soon if people want me to
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