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Old 15th March 2021, 07:06   #23
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Originally Posted by Nick91 View Post
Would you like it if you went to the pub for a few and got mugged on the way home and the only advice from the police was to curtail your drinking habits? People get drunk sometimes, I expect we've all been there. From everything I can gather this woman hadn't been out drinking.

This comes back to the old "If a bloke walks down a dark alley wearing loads of gold and gets mugged, then it's his fault". The thing is, it isn't the victims fault. It's the fault of the attacker/rapist/mugger. They are the person that committed the crime. With that said, the world is undoubtedly a nasty place and people need to use their loaf.

In this case it seems that Sarah Everard was doing everything that was advised to her (not listening to headphones whilst walking, called someone shortly before the attack to let them know where she was). That's one of the reasons why people are so upset. The answer can't be to tell women not to go out at night, what about all of the nurses sticking needles into arms as we speak and working 48hr days?

Nor is the answer, the ridiculous statement that I've heard in the media for the last few years, that we should "teach men not to rape". You don't teach a rapist anything, you lock them away for as long as their miserable lives will allow. I don't see the woke brigade reducing levels of rape to any serious extent, rapists are rapists and should be behind bars.

The answer has to be better policing in my view.
I wish you had also quoted the part where I said " I have no idea how you can keep a woman's freedom to go where she wants with keeping them safe"

As for locking a rapist up, that's after they have been convicted for a crime, you want to stop the crime from happening.

You say "The answer has to be better policing in my view" can you go on to explain what that is?

I am not saying it is a woman's fault, it is as you say, the "perpetrators" fault.

You also say "With that said, the world is undoubtedly a nasty place and people need to use their loaf." So are you saying that woman need to take more care, responsibility for their safety and well being? If you are then to a point we are back to your first paragraph. That just shows how difficult it is, if you tell women to take more responsibility that is very close to saying at times it is their fault?

A major problem is getting a conviction for crime. Even with video and DNA it is not always possible to secure a conviction, not even to get it to court.
I watched a program where a few rape victims went public. They showed CCTV footage of the woman and her attacker, she was all over him. Was it affection or had she been drugged or was drunk, it kind of does not matter the defence show that to the jury. Seaman samples, ya so what? All that proves is sex took place. The program advised there were no court proceedings for any of the rapes feature.

The question remains, how do you keep women safe?

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