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Old 9th January 2021, 08:04   #18
This is my second home
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Originally Posted by Steamdrivenandy View Post
What happens if BP Pulse say your property isn't suitable for charger installation?

Our barn conversion has our driveway at the bottom of our 40ft garden. We do have a cable running down our trellis fence to a movement activated light down there, but that's about it. It's in the curtilage of a Grade 2 listed building so there's not a lot that can be done without Planning or Listed Building Consent.

Will it mean that properties without the capability to charge a vehicle become hard to sell and lose value after 2030ish?

It certainly isn't suitable as it stands and they wont touch it in it's present form as the old bakerlite household electrical system is 100+ years old & not up to today's code

With the mileage we do these days we could happily get by just using the "slow charger/granny charger" that comes with the car but if there's one thing I've learned since reading about BEV's is you need a 'Plan B'

There is an instavolt fast charger not far from me where I could get a charge in 30 minutes or all Tesco's 7kw chargers are on free vend.

There are hundreds & hundreds of this type of old housing stock in my neck o the woods with the same antiquated shared loop electrical system, It is a free upgrade by the DNO to an 80/100Amp supply, I dare say they will have their work cut out for them over the coming years with these types of older properties.

Blessed are the tea makers.
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