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Old 10th September 2020, 14:34   #501
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Cool Finally it is dismantled .............

.............................. after 15 months. With the expertise of Allen along with the help of Matt and me, the eyesore or more commonly called the greenhouse is finally taken down.

Allen came around at 10 am with Leafy, full of tools. First job was to get the door off then the 8’ long roof panels, all 4 of them. All the screws used were stainless steel and 4” long. Allen had also brought his ladder as this structure was almost 12’ tall. Matt was on his way but was dropping Shirley off in Plymouth first. Unbeknown to Matt or us it would be sometime before he arrived as one of the major routes out of Plymouth was at a standstill.

Once the roof panels were off we stopped for tea, my main job for the day. Then back to work, whilst Allen was removing the roof joists I was allowed a screwdriver and started removing screws holding the polycarbonate panels in place. Obviously I could only reach the low down ones as I’m not allowed up ladders. That’s Allen’s rule which I abide to.

Matt finally arrived at 1pm and not in a happy mood but once his impact gun was in his hand he too started removing some of the lower joists. Allen had taken down most of the roof joists, handing them to me to stack up. Then another stop for tea. Then back to work. Next job was to remove the outer polycarbonate panels, on the road side. The other side next to the garage would be the pain to remover or so we thought.

Matt found that the panels on the garage side were actually held in place by battening on the inside. So with Allen removing the upper battens and Matt removing the lower ones the complete polycarbonate side came out in one piece. Once that was out I set about taking it apart with the help of Matt. Allen cut the uprights down with the aid of a chainsaw. Then it was just a case of taking some of the smaller panels apart, like the door.

Wow! What a difference it has made. That part of the garden looks tidier, well it will look better once the wood is gone. It had to be stacked somewhere, Allen is taking most of it as it is all good quality wood.. we then set about clearing up. All the polycarbonate panels are in the garage. Plus the roof panels and a few bits of the wood that I want. Then time to put the tools away. It was now 4pm. 6 hours to get it all down.

I thanked Allen and Matt for all there invaluable help. Allen left soon afterwards. Shirley phoned Matt to ask what bus she needed to get on to get back to mine. I said it’s a 2A, catch it outside the playhouse and ask the driver to tell you when you was in Yellowtor Road. Get off at the first stop and walk up The Court and you will find us. Well that was the plan. Shirley got on the right bus and got off at the right stop however when she crossed the road she took the wrong turning. After a few phone calls she finally arrived from a totally different direction to the one I expected that she should have taken.

Still after cup of tea she was feeling ok. So after awhile Matt Shirley left. I gave Shirley 3 strawberry plants to take home. I thanked Matt again for his help. And with that they were gone. I went back and looked at the space that had been created. Got a few ideas but more of that later.

My friends who were due to visit from Lincolnshire did cancel the trip. Terry did not want to leave his Dad in the empty house so they took him back to Spalding till after the funeral. Then Dad was going to stay with Terry’s brother. It looks as if Terry’s Dad will possibly sell the house and go into a home. Terry would like him to go and live with them, but we’ll have to wait and see on the outcome.

I posted up on Facebook marketplace this morning photos and descriptions of the roof and polycarbonate panels that I’m selling. There is a chap coming around tomorrow to have a look, and hopefully buy, the roof panels.
Will start on Saturday getting rid of the rubbish, some of the lower panels of wood are rotten plus I have grass cuttings to get rid.

Will post up a few photos of the work carried out.

Thanks for reading and the kind comments.

Definitely No Going Back.

234,320. Got 2 long distance trips coming up.

onen hag oll
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