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Old 4th March 2020, 14:52   #318
Posted a thing or two
MG ZT, Rover Sterling, MG ZS EV & BMW X5

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I think people are a little too hung up on this being about the environment or a tiny minority who's daily commute is over 200 miles! As previously stated my reasons have nothing to do with the environment and the fact my daily drivers are either a 29 year old non-catalyst Rover Sterling or a 3.5l V6 SLK go to show it's not really my primary concern. What I dislike most about environmentalists is how preachy and pious they are. You're never going to get people to change by nagging you need to make the alternative easy to live with and that's pretty much where we're at now with electric cars. Yes they're not going to suit 100% of people however neither does an ICE car, there are plenty of people for whom public transport is a better fit with their needs however the fact is that for a majority of people an EV is now a very sensible alternative.

I find it interesting that it only tends to be people who have never tried an EV for an extended period that berate them. I'm yet to talk to anyone who drives an EV and actually wants to go back to an ICE car. I personally look forward to a future where it's only enthusiasts that run ICE cars and I hope that happens before the government decide to tax them out of existence, once we have 500% tax on petrol and diesel it'll never be reversed even when EV's are the norm however if the change happens organically quickly enough that won't happen as they'll have no need to force it.
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