Thread: Out of Africa
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Old 3rd December 2019, 11:57   #231
Gate Keeper
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Originally Posted by hrissim View Post
Hi Phil!
I`m so sorry for your troubles with this virus - there is nothing to do to avoid those invisible troublemakers. We are lucky enough to live in the times with the medicine developed to cope with.
But the things are going better with you - this is the most important thing!

What about me - similar troubles but in the mental direction. Last June I lost my job and for my bad I went into deep depression. So deep that I lost my passion in everything even to the mountains. In weeks I sat at home. And do you know what was keeping me alive? - the Internet, literally. I was travelling around the world including Africa by reading and watching written hitchhiking blogs of two independent Bulgarian travelers. Notice - the one is a girl ~30 years old who travels alone sleeping in tent and did circle of Africa starting from Bg - Turkey, Syria just before the war, Jordanian, Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia... South Africa,... Angola,..., Nigeria, ... Mali /during the conflict/,... Marocco -Europe, Bg.
She is describing her adventures almost for every day. And I was reading and watching pictures with the next tab open Google maps and Street View. Fantastic. She also did Central and South America circle, to Indonesia and back, with bicycle to the most North point of continental Europe and back...
Now she is somewhere in the Middle East to Iraq.

The other ones are a couple that travel the same way - for almost 4 years to Fiji islands and back. Again describing all - day by day with pictures and info.
The interesting thing is that they are now in Israel - their current aim is to reach Mozambique for ~ 6 months. Here you are able to see some of their past adventures in English.

I`m glad that I know them both - they become my friends now as I met them in Bg.

Now I`m OK - recovered and driving both my 75`s with the previous pleasure


Waiting for your pictures,
Hristo, you have done well to pull yourself out from the depths of depression, it can't have been easy. I have always maintained how mental illness is worse than a physical illness. Hopefully you will get back to work and play, doing what you love best. Take good care.

I have taken a few photos and waited for a break in the weather, as we have had torrential rain and floods across Kenya over the past month. Fortunately, we are high up on volcanic rock and not affected.

Lily the pink by philip Gate Keeper, on Flickr

Tricolour Orchids (1 of 1) by philip Gate Keeper, on Flickr

Orchids in the garden (1 of 1) by philip Gate Keeper, on Flickr

A Bulbul visits the Coelus forskohlii by philip Gate Keeper, on Flickr

Bulbul (1 of 1) by philip Gate Keeper, on Flickr
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