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Old 1st November 2019, 17:27   #4
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Originally Posted by Comfortably Numb View Post
MG John said:"Meantime, I will continue to enjoy my Petrol Turbo MGs and Rovers until such time as they send the big strong geezers in white coats after me...". Except it will be the be the big strong geezers in the dark blue uniforms and stab vests! For my part, I am looking forward to the day I can afford an EV that will get me from A to B without the inconvenience that the current technology and infrastructure apparently provide. I think you would have to recognise that whatever its causes, climate change is real, and at a rate that humanity is struggling to adapt to. While I am old enough to take the complacent attitude that it probably won't affect me that badly, the sooner we stop adding to the planet's atmospheric energy, the more chance we have of having the time to adapt to the ever more extreme weather events that will reduce our advanced technological world to submerged rubble, and leave our children spend their lives trying to cope with results of our generation consumption-driven and self-indulgent indulgent lives. No wonder a highly intelligent 16 year old is leading her non- compliant rebels to take actions that will hopefully shake the complacency of so many of us older folk. Are we going to carry on dancing on the deck of the Titanic because somebody said it was unsinkable? There may actually still be time to plug the leak, or close the bulkhead doors.
Andrew, could you please turn out the lights if you are the last one out

Greta Thunberg if she wasn't a singularly minded would see there is little to be gained in mining huge amounts of scarce minerals to create EV batteries, batteries that are hugely expensive to recycle.

Quite contrary to being "robbed of her childhood" as claimed, it should be noted that people who live with ASD often focus on a particular subject, often without seeing the larger picture.

Apart from anything else, there isn't the infrastructure in place to charge these EV, another little snippet the roll out "smart meters", these are very important to allow the national grid to be relieved at peak times by virtue of enforced remotely controlled brownouts.

If there is to be a roll out of EV it should be driven by market forces, and not blinkered politicos with vested interests.

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