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Old 31st July 2019, 18:06   #34
This is my second home
mgzt cdti 160.mgzt 1.8t mg6 1.8t

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List updated and numbers for the club stand have been handed in to Maureen as always I've allowed for a few extra spaces for late entries

Steve( ssizefive) has kindly volunteered to help with the general setting up identifying the club stand and directing the club cars into the right area so on arrival please keep a eye out for Steve (thanks steve) if the area allows we will park herringbone as usual we are aiming to be set up by 10am

Can I just remind everyone that we have no public liability insurance on the club stand so please don't erect any structures flags or banners

Ill be setting off at 7am and picking up roverroy en route meeting up with Dave Lincs and mg pete at ferrybridge around 815 then convoying to patleybridge if anyone else want to join us you are very welcome to

There is still plenty of time to add your names to the list if you want to join in the club fun, so see you all on Sunday only one more thing to say enjoy yourselves and have a great day
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