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Old 9th April 2019, 11:00   #12
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Default Hiring and Firing

My ideal world:

It depends, or should depend, to a large extent on the status of ‘the Boss’. Is he/she the owner of the business or another employee and junior to the real boss?

If the former, it should be their privilege to employ whoever the heck they want. After all, it is they who suffer the most for their independence. What’s the point of the effort, the worry, the foresight and planning, the financial risk and the rewards, if your every decision is governed by those who have no responsibility telling you what to do? You are not a charity, but you can use your natural inclinations to be outward looking when you choose to.

The only criterion should be the one of suitability in the eyes of the boss. Then it’s up to the boss to treat them properly. In the case in point, maybe the boss thinks the one he has chosen will be better for the business, and a better ‘fit’ in the long run, and worth waiting for.

I had my own business for 15 years and if anyone had the nerve to tell me who I could or should employ, they would be made aware of the door. My wife and two daughters were paid employees of the company, should I have given preference to others? On the other hand, I also had two sub-contractors I used when necessary.

There are many qualities to consider when appointing another to a team. I would not employ someone merely because they were from a particular minority unless they had the skills I wanted. If on the other hand they were ideally suited, gravid or not, the search would be over.

It’s a strange thing about the proliferation of special interests groups. They have an immense power way beyond their actual numbers through intense lobbying of influential people. Those in the public eye then feel obliged to agree and promote a cause or be blackmailed into submission through social media.
member no. 235
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