Thread: Door Dinks Why?
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Old 12th December 2018, 15:21   #4
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I spent a good few minutes arguing with a woman and her daughter, who had just abandoned a supermarket trolley next to my car. I pointed out that the trolley park was just three parking spaces further down. I got a mouthful of abuse that I hadn't heard since working on a building site. I pushed the trolley behind her car so she had to get out to move it - more abuse but she still just pushed it away. I guess that she must have been what she called me but the female version! After she left, I parked the trolley where it should have been. I also take my 93 year old mum to the local library, where I wait in the car whilst she does her "browsing". The performances of attempts to park have my nerves on edge. Seeing some folks escape their car doors, via the tiny gaps that they have left, leave me in no doubt where the dinks come from!
Oil in my veins!
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