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Old 8th December 2018, 06:09   #5
Moderator/Club Shop
MG ZT 1.8t+. No.3 of 4 in Sunspot Yellow & Ford Fiesta in Black.

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Cool The Bear and her cubs were.......................

.................................................. soon parted.
We set off from Saltash with Leafy leading the Bear, Allen n Val in Leafy and Debbie was with me. It was raining as we crossed the Tamar and into England. There were short bursts of sunshine but we was resigned to the fact that the rain was here to stay.
Now Debbie has changed her job and works peculiar shifts as a coach driver commuting between a Plymouth and Bristol airport, mainly night work with some days thrown in. So it was not a surprise that she was tired having finished her shift at 4am.

So as Debbie settled down for a snooze with the fleece blanket, I always carry a blanket in the car, covering her the sun came out. Soon we were growling along up Haldon Hill, I was tempted to let the Bear roar up the hill but the services are at the top and can catch you out if you are in the wrong lane. But we pulled into the Diners car park ok. We found the Citroen Piccasso of Paul, Sue, Trevor and Donna parked up. Paul has never heard the Bear and he was quite gobsmacked by how loud she is.
We went in and sniffled the two large booths, well there was 14 of us.

Soon the rest arrived, we was only missing Keith and Annette, but they was joining us at the ferry port. I had the Americana breakfast which comprised of two sausages, two bacon, two fried eggs, two hash browns and two pancakes along with a jug of maple syrup. I know I’m not supposed to eat this but once now and again is nice. No doubt I would pay for it later on.
Once we had our breakfasts we paid up and left. The Bear was designated lead car up as far as the Dorchester stop off.

So with the cubs following we set off. We had 1 Rover 75 Tourer, 2 ZT’s, 3 ZTT’s and the Citroen in the convoy. Trying to get them to keep up as we cruised at Warp Factor 3 was a nightmare. Soon they were strung out across the county, I knew that the Moonstone 75 did not know where we was stopping so I done my best at keeping him in sight. Eventually I pulled into a lay-by to let them re-group but you always get one that sails straight past. So now with Nathan leading, well till I caught up and whizzed past, as he was also unsure where we was stopping.
We eventually pulled into our stop over point and parked up. Tea and a wee but not necessarily in that order.

Matt wanted me to lead again, ok, but will the others try and keep up. Matt promised that he would push them along as he would be the sweep car. Well that plan lasted about 3 miles. All I could see behind me was the Citroen, even when we dropped down to Warp Factor Harrisop, 50 mph, they still did not catch up. I could see the Moonstone as the 3rd car but he was way back. I wasn’t going to keep stopping to let them catch up. Still if they all have their sat navs on we should all get there at some point. Only one car did not have there satnav on, yup! The Moonstone.

So it was just us and the Citroen zooming along, traffic was quite heavy so the We could not stick our paw down too much. By the time we pulled off of the A35 and onto the A377 we was just us two. Now I have strict rule that I will not answer my phone whilst driving but someone was trying to get hold of me as the phone kept ringing. Eventually Debbie, who was now wide awake, got my phone out of my pocket and answered the call from Matt. Matt said not to wait for us as they were going a different way. It seemed that the cubs had caught up to the Moonstone and was following him. Well he turned off and they all followed him. Seems that Linda, navigator in the Moonstone, had put the maps on her phone and they were following that route assuming that we were in front somewhere.

So as we romped through the New Forest with the Citroen keeping up, well till we lost him in Brockenhurst. He got caught at the level crossing. We carried on towards the ferry port. As we passed a pub in Lymington we spied a Odessey Blue 75 pulling out. Keith and Annette had spied the main convoy going past, so were just pulling out as we sped past. It seemed that the others had shaved 4 minutes off of the journey by coming in from another direction. Still not to worry as we were all here now. The Citroen had caught up as well. The only problem we had now was that one car, the Ignition Blue ZT, had the wrong paperwork. His sailing date was for December 2019. And Matt had handed out the passes as well, just had not noticed the typing error. But it was soon rectified and he was in the queue again.

Onto the ferry but we were all split up again. But the Bear had Grovey to keep her company on the crossing. Whilst the cars had a rest us humans found our way up to the seating area. Allen, Nathan and I did venture up onto the top deck but it was too cold to stay. But the sky was blue and the sea rough. Oh! This should be fun. Wow! It did roll a bit but we chatted and had a laugh about the trip down.
Soon we was docking and we made our way back to our cars. Everyone apparently everyone heard the Bear start up.

Off the ferry and onwards to the hotel we went in convoy. Soon the luggage was unloaded and the truck took our cases to our chalets. We went and booked in. As per normal I was booked in as Bob Banana, improvement on last year as then I was Pukely Banana. Matt will have his fun. Still all in good taste. Other than Debbie and I all the others were in the same block. We were in the singles block.
Chalets found, cases unloaded.
We then all retired to the bar for a well earned cuppa or a couple of beers.

233,906. Soon be another thousand covered. Our target is 250.000.

onen hag oll
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