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Old 18th September 2018, 23:08   #37
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Originally Posted by clf View Post
I am not sure it will be for sale, I enjoy both learning new skills working on it, and driving it. I certainly cannot recoup the costs (if I recall 5.5-6k incl purchase price - excluding fuel, add another 2k if we include insurance costs though! It does not include the tools I have bought to carry out the various jobs on it either).

But if you are serious, feel free to exercise your freedom of expression on MY car if you wish. It is my pride and joy, however I do understand that others have their opinions, and I am more than happy for them to be expressed, because, this is the bit YOU do not get. I do NOT care! it is my car, my money, my enjoyment. If you wish to offer critique, even ridicule, or heaven forbid, constructive criticism, please feel free. But always remember, when offering ridicule, I will ALWAYS have the last laugh, because I get to drive it everyday

Just to get you started though, I would likely advertise £2500 for it, I would hope to get £2000, but I KNOW it is worth between £1200-1500, and I KNOW I would likely have to settle on between £800 and 1200 at the minute.

Just to put it to you a different way. I do not 'get' your red top, but I do 'get' your Omega (always have, but really adore the Senator B ).
Senator B, pah, nothing compares to a Carlton GSi 3000, save perhaps a Lotus variant

Good luck with the sale of your duct tape silver primertallic ZT, who would be seen driving such a thing............errr I'd best get me coat then
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