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Old 7th August 2018, 16:50   #1
This is my second home
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Default Just want too say A few things.

Hiya all just want too say a few things and I think everyone should now if not I'll tell you now.

Since being part of the 75/ZT club for the last 6 years I have had a such a incredible journey all the though ownership and meeting the regulars and new faces on the forums.

It fills me with pride what a great club we have here, Every single meet I've always enjoyed myself and banters and of course the one thing we share.

The love for cars and our ownership.

Just recently travelled too Cornwall for the Mount Edgecombe meet, There was a lot of driving took me a good 8 hours too get there due too the road works on M56 M6 and M5 but regardless I was going too turn up and oh my was it well worth every burnt up penny.

Meeting the members and there fine machines.

I just want too say a Special thanks too Cable Tie Matt for organising this and too everyone there as well you all made me feel so welcome

and I thank you for that.

The passion for cars and enjoying the ownership and friends that we make during our ownerships and meets is one of my driving forces too go too the meets

For those who would like too see the shots of the day there all ready and put up on the events meet for the sough west region or you can click on the link and it will take too the thread.

Hope you enjoy and for anyone interested too go too any meets I say go for it and don't look back.
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