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Old 23rd January 2018, 17:32   #11
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Originally Posted by rustymotor View Post
Hi Steve (arctic), what I found interesting is the MOT pre checks section Refusal to MOT based on a list but this point in particular:

The reasons for refusing to carry out the test are:

g. A proper examination cannot be carried out because any door, tailgate, boot, engine cover, fuel cap or other device designed to be readily opened cannot be readily opened.

In my entire driving life and MOT's never once has an MOT tester carried out any pre checks. I wondered if anyone has come across this?
Hi Gordon.
Maybe we do not notice it as they go about there test I say this because every time I take my car to the same MOT garage he the tester always.

First locks and unlock the car with the fob.

Then he will open the drivers front door check the seat belt.

Next he open the OS rear door checks seats belts in the rear and centre from that side.

Walks round opens the rear NS door checks seat belt.

Opens NS front door checks seat belt.

He then gets into drivers seat drives car into the station/area for testing the exhaust/wheels on the roller.

With the engine still running he pops front bonnet turns on the lights, sounds the horn, opens the boot with the touch button bottom of drivers foot well walks round to the back of the car and checks number plate lights shuts the boot.

In doing all those actions he as then checked the doors, bonnet, and boot opens but we maybe just do not realise it, I would imagine if for one reason or another any of the doors would not open up to that stage he may or I would like to think he would say I will make this a pre check for you as the door etc as not opened and so on, that is what I would hope Arctic
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