Thread: Testicle Pain
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Old 11th January 2018, 14:36   #33
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Well that was fun, not! seems second nature to me now.

They found some varicocele's and cysts in both testicles, BUT! he tells me its not severe enough for surgery.

The varicocele's are only 2mm in size which means they will not remove or clamp them, the veins must be 4mm or larger for them to operate. He said the cysts are also too small and will not be the cause for the discomfort, he also scanned my kidneys and found nothing wrong. The strangest thing was, the varicocele's are larger in my left testicle, which is the most common side to have them, but I dont suffer any pain in the left one. He said the pain does not cross, so there is no concern there.

I'm no better off it seems, its back to square one again. He did say that I should go back to my GP and ask to be referred to the urologist again, see if they can investigate further, or maybe do the operation to remove the varicocele's. He did say the chances are very slim, they generally dont operate in cases like mine.

I'm thankful they didn't find anything sinister, but I wish they had found something that meant a fix/cure. This means I'm going to suffer this awful pain and discomfort for the rest of my life, unless a miracle happens. You would think having found some varicocele's and cysts would give good reason to think this must be the cause to why the patient is in pain... but obviously not.

Sometimes I really despise the NHS, whoever sets the rules need to suffer the same pain as I do. Its always the same situation, unless you are actually dying they dont want to know. It has always been the same regarding my Trigeminal neuralgia, they just dont want to do anything. You are expected to suffer a living hell, spend each day in pain. Its true when people say... sometimes you are better off dead.

I suppose I could go private and see what can be done, but why should I have to... I pay my taxes.

I see my thread is full of 'Shugs' that explains everything doesn't it really. lol

Last edited by Dallas; 11th January 2018 at 14:48..
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