Thread: EU vote?
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Old 24th June 2016, 19:07   #4
Posted a thing or two
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Originally Posted by Nick Greg View Post
Many who now are here unchecked be they criminals with serious or even murderous conviction in their homeland to the how many in the NHS with false worthless qualifications and other nasties who would never be allowed access. Many have been flushed out convicted and struck off as a trawl of even our pc-imbalanced news media will soon reveal. How mant remain to be flushed out? These include NHS immigrant employees killing patients.

The above was quoted earlier.

With the greatest respect I would substitute the word MANY with FEW. MOST of those who have come to the UK are hard working genuine people. Where I work we use temporary staff frequently in seasonal times. All are from Latvia/Lithuania etc etc. All of them are very hard working, are never lte and are ultra reliable. Its a pity that we are rarely offered indigenous UK employees - Why? Because they don't want to do the jobs on offer or are too lazy to do so. Many of those who have worked with us as temps are now permanent and they are a credit to the company. Our streets would go unswept, or loos un cleaned and many other menial tasks not done were it not for their work ethic.

I really can't agree with "the British workers are lazy" bit. Indeed that's a racist statement if ever I heard one.
That said though, EU workers do often do work that home workers won't do, but the reasons are not laziness, but more likely a work/ wages ratio that simply doesn't provide a decent standard of living. The foreign workers are often only here for a limited time, and therefore prepared to put up with long/ irregular hours, and living conditions we won't subject our dog to. Who in their right mind would want to have three or more jobs, just to scratch a meagre living.

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