Thread: EU vote?
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Old 7th June 2016, 20:40   #330
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Originally Posted by Darcydog View Post
Wel, "Polite" is not how I read it.

As for twisting words - where did I say in my post of yesterday that the link was an "authoritative source" ?

I quoted in that post articles from the Independent, the Express and the Spectator!

I was not citing either as "Authoritative"

Once again you read what is NOT there and then try to infer I said something I did not.

If you are doing this deliberately then this is a known Troll tactic - If you are doing it without any thought at all - then i would ask that you be more careful and not to jump to conclusions.
The exchange which led to you offering the Spectator article was as follows:

DarcyDog: "The anti EU feelings within Europe are very high indeed amongst the average working population."

MSS: "Is there an authorative quanification of this?"

DarcyDog: ""

Ref Politeness, why would a person (i.e. you) read the middle line (MSS:....) in the block immediately above this as anything other than polite?

Given that you offered the Spectator article in response to my request for "authoritative quantification" of your statement, how can you claim that it was not offered as an authoritative source?

I see that once again you have accused me of trolling on the basis of the above, yet when you claimed earlier in the thread that I had been trolling you, amongst other things, I asked for links to the relevant material back in post 287 and none has been provided.

Further on the point of trolling, I simply empathised with a post from another member back in post 310 and you once again started to tear apart my post. You then did the same again with my post 344.

By contrast with the above, I have only engaged with you in response to your posts commenting on mine. I have not commented diretly in response to any of your posts unless they were commenting on mine.

So, the question then arises as to who is trolling who and why one member feels that he can get away with accusing another of various things untruthfully (in other words, tell blatant lies). Is this perhaps done in order to seek an upper hand in a debate when the debate is being lost?

I hope the memebrship, if they have any interest in the matter, will look at the evidence themselves and make up their own minds. There are enough threads where you have made our points of debate very personal (in one direction) and become rude.

As for myself, it feels as if I am constantly under attack from the playground bully, because I have not unquestionably submitted to his views in debates.

As of now, I intend not to respond to any of your posts, even if you respond to mine. I prefer to debate matters with individuals who are polite and display a high level of personal integrity and other human characteristics.

Last edited by MSS; 7th June 2016 at 20:43..
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