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Old 31st May 2015, 23:13   #11
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Originally Posted by jonc3725 View Post
Now down to prepping the rear bumper.

The good thing is that MG Rover in their wisdom had the bumpers marked when moulded which made cutting out really easy. They show the centre of the circle and the centres for notches

I then used a cone cutter to cut out to the 27.5 diameter circle and trial fitted each finisher in their own position

Next I sprayed the sensors to match the bumper

and then once dry fitted them to the bumper holes

Whilst the bumper was off the car I decided to prep it by fitting the twin exhaust outlet. I am very lucky to have a correct V8 \mk1 drivers side trim so it was down to a lot of marking out (once , twice and three times to make sure the positioning was right) and then cut the bumper and fit the trim

All I had to do then was fit the loom to the sensors. These clips were really tight

Now the bumper was finished I went back to the car and gave all the metal a good clean down and a coat of wax. Yep I know you wont see it but it gives the metal a but of protection under the bumper

Now for replacing the beam and the re worked bumper

and I am happy with the finish on the sensors they seem to match the bumper quite well

Next step was back to the boot and to clean the carpet and side panels. Wow the carpet was dirty I had to clean it twice

Once all cleaned it was time to rebuild the boot and the finish cameup really well even if I do say so myself. I will probably make a new board for on top of the wheel as this one is a bit warped but as it was not water damaged I decided to leave it

The rear end with the additional exhaust trim fitted in readiness for the twin exhaust

The sensors are all working but there is no buzzer at the moment. I just need to find out which buzzer I am going to use from the other car. Either from the IPK or parcel shelf. I cant remember where the buzzer was coming from when I drove the car last

Next step is the wobbly boot hinges and then the rear window trim (which i am not looking forward too )

Nice work
Lest we forget..
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