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Old 11th June 2008, 20:06   #48

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Originally Posted by MGOracle View Post
This happened to me but would never stop the car once driving, only from starting. Bascially the caps charge and fire a pulse to the injectors. The caps then do nothing until the next time the car is started. .
Don't know about this one, but that's not how they work on the TD5 land rover engine:-

Because the injectors aren't like on a petrol engine they need to work hard. 12v is not enough to make them operate hard enough and fast enough. So there's an inverter power supply to give more volts. This charges the capacitors up, which are used to fire the injectors, all the time. If these capacitors fail, then there's not enough juice to power the injectors.

Those capacitors are fairly big and you can see the bulge in that ECU.

I believe the Bosch system to be the same, but don't know, and the T4 readings of 70 ish volts seem to back it up. There could be lot's of other possible reasons for failing only at startup, one of which could be the change in supply voltage from 12v to 14v when running.
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