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Old 2nd January 2007, 16:05   #8
This is my second home

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No I don't recall the name but there were all sorts of people doing the like,
Common thing then as now was two (or three) GSX1000 engines in a Drag frame. I did see an early Honda 500/4 with a Sei engine in it

As a youth I lobbed the engine from a Suzuki 100 into an AP50 just to annoy all the moped riders on the way to college

I also built an off road side-car or rather resurrected one using a GT380 engine which was just silly!

My 400/4 ended up as a Mocheck/Yoshirmura conversion with box arm, triple disks, S&W Air shocks and I had the frame engine and just about every other bit chromed.

I bought a 400N (Superdream) in bits (crashed) which we collected in my mates Mini Van which suddenly felt like it had no brakes with all the weight on board and rebuilt that as a runabout.
Unfortunately the frame was slightly out which was ok for normal use but become very apparent if you lifted the front whell off the ground

I swapped it for a Reliant 330 Regal Van (Trotter mobile) and taught myself to drive.

The bikes I have had since then have all been Shaft Drive, I hated oiling chains and still do!

One thing that exist today that never existed on any of my old bikes in standard factory trim are brakes the work in the wet!

My last bike a Honda Deauville had dual Brembos on the front and was more than capable of doing stoppies in the dry as well as stopping properly in the wet
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