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Old 8th December 2014, 08:38   #13
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2003 Rover 75 SE Tourer CDTi, Silver

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OK, ok. Been a busy weekend - family event.

They are reasonable questions and so will address:

"Yours has that funny rectangular hole in the dash also My best guess was a fingernail trimmer/polisher? "

Oh Hahaha - It's called a 'Cassette Player'. I think they had one on the Ark as well. I use a £5 cassette adapter and plug it into my phone. Works fine. I like the sound of the system as well - more old analogue.

"I presume the synergy is a tuning box?" - Yup. Do a search on these hallowed forums.

"...Got any pictures of the N/S?" Yup - 'cept they all seem to have disappeared off the site! Will post some more when I get a mo - they are literally just a couple of small dents. As I look out of the window at it on the drive one is on the rear door, in the center just below the chrome trim - I think it's probably been banged against a post or something. Can't see the other one.

"Plates replaced recently? Can you explain that to me? Not seen that so far?"

Yup. The number plates were de-laminating and looked horrible so I replaced them with some nice shiny new ones. Old ones are in the boot so you can see no dodgy business going on.

"Whats the score on having one key? I spotted a post that said dont keep cranking
if you have a low battery because it can erase the key."

The other one is around somewhere but don't know where it is. Happens a lot actually - keys do get misplaced. I've seen at least one other sale recently here with only one key.

"How hard is it to get another and cost?" - Dunno.

"I presume there is no FBH on your car?" - Dunno - what's the acronym mean? Sorry - never seen it.

"Sorry for all the questions but im new to the 75 scene and don't want my first to be a lemon."

S'ok. I had questions too when I bought it. Thus I joined this most excellent forum.
Growing old is mandatory - growing up is optional!

Last edited by fj1200; 8th December 2014 at 08:41..
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