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Old 16th September 2014, 13:31   #535
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Originally Posted by Roverite View Post
Without wishing to offend, you are a Londoner living in what Boris calls "the Capital of the World" and regardless of the Scottish vote, many Englishmen actually do feel like throwing stones at Parliament.

I am a Londoner, born within the sounds of Bow Bells (although they weren't ringing at the time because we were at war with Germany), but I have also lived in Essex, Surrey, Hertforshire, Worcestershire, Shropshire (currently) and Cornwall for about 20 years. The further out you go from London, the more resentment you will find, even starting in the outlying parts of Essex. There is a feeling that London dominates and draws everything into London and that the outlying parts are fed a few crumbs now and again to keep them quiet.

Cornwall, for example has one of the lowest wage rates in the UK, but house prices are sky high because 'up country' people buy up the properties with their wealth, either for retirement, or as holiday homes. Even 'National wage rate' jobs in Cornwall, don't get the added incentive of London Weighting. Services in the outlying areas are constantly being centralised for 'efficiency', but that means that hospitals are miles away from the majority of the inhabitants. Police custody suites are centralised, meaning that a prisoner has to be taken 30+ miles to be charged; this just doesn't happen in London. London is lit up like a Christmas tree at night and has the highest pollution rate in the EU, but Boris wants us all to get out of our cars, not just Londoners.

Parliament introduced 24 hour drinking and MPs enjoy cheap booze in the house, but they raise the alcohol duty to deter the binge drinkers, which often means that the occasional drinker now can't afford the odd pint.

I know there is no simple answer and that there will always be inequality, but the UK has become very unequal over the last 30 years and that is why a lot of us want to throw stones. I have no political allegiance, but I would like to see a bit more common, and I mean common, sense, instead of the institutianalised leadership we currently have. At the time of the MPs expenses scandal, it was said that 'they just don't get it', and this is the same. They talk the talk, but they just don't understand.

I apologise for highjacking the Scottish referendum debate and for this rant, but I do think it is relevant to some of the posts on here.

I take no offence and like you have lived in many parts of england and seen trhe different standards of living having been born in north dervon I think I can claim to know something about th,e issues you raise.

But london cannot be blamed for what the counties can provide to earn a living most are not industalized and those that were have lost out to the asian tiger countries
The world is changing and no country is immune. I too was a war baby and even worked in tower hamlets for a number of years and what good people trhey were, its all change there too the docks now down river and the area becoming more genterised,sas to see not sure how you stop it.

At least in Kernow you have clean air fabulous countryside good fishing and fabulous neighbours in devon As to resources such as health being remote that was true when I was small in the 40's if you needed specialist treatment you either went to exeter 45 miles away or Bristol even further.

What ever the result of the referendum I hope the people of scotland accept it with good grace and acknowledge that england and wales have their own issues and their parliament will have to address the problems highlighted by this protacted debate.
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