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Old 1st March 2008, 22:29   #1

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Default Fred's windy night...

(To be read in a public schoolboy with a lisp voice..)

I was sorry to say goodbye to Raggitty in Coalville...he really is a spwendid fellow! Luckily, Uncle Zeb is pwoving to be great fun. The journey back to Skegness was simply whizzo! I never knew a gentleman's carriage like the 75 could go awound corners like that..

On awwival at Uncle Zeb's palatial mansions I was quickly introduced to Mrs Zeb and the baby Zebs who were jolly pleased to have a new pway mate. They fed me hot buttered scones with lashings of clotted cream which somehow got up my nose....

The only bad bit of the day was actually the night...Uncle Zeb said it was the worst storm he could remember, really, the whole house shook! I was quite fwightened but luckily the old oak twee outside my bedwoom window remained standing in spite of the buffeting it received. The rain was horizontal and the howling made my fur was quite an expewience... I have had a quiet day today just to recover..

Will write again weal soon! Pip pip!

Last edited by Zeb; 1st March 2008 at 22:37..
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