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Old 24th September 2013, 22:21   #1
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Default Lovefilm and Amazon

Now that Lovefilm is insisting on using an Amazon linked account to sign in, is anyone else finding it a pain?

Say I've been on my Amazon account, and then want to log in to Lovefilm, I have to do this via Gill's Amazon log in, as it's tied in to her account. Fair enough, but then when I return to Amazon next time, it goes directly to her account, so I have to log off and then log back in as me. And then when I return to Lovefilm it starts over again

This is a nuisance, but it also means I have access to Gill's account on Amazon and could accidentally see what she might have bought me for my birthday/Christmas etc, and also means I have put things into her wishlist by mistake not realising I was on the wrong account! (nothing dodgy!)

Is there any way around this that anyone knows of?
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