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Old 6th October 2012, 00:41   #19
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Default Leaf stopper/collector

To help stop leaves and debris from getting into the plenum below you can use this gutter netting very cheap and does the job wonderful brought from pound shop,lidil and Aldi.

One roll will do eight cars so if you are going to any meets a worth while mod to do takes about 20 mins to do both sides you will need sissors four cable ties one gutter grip and a rule. Fig 1

Cut two pieces of the wire 15" long Fig 2

Next cut down lengthways and 2.5" in from the edge by 5" both pieces of wire Fig 3/4


Next trim the corner of both pieces of the netting you can do the while fitting it to the car to get a more acurate cut i am able to do it because i have a template Fig 5/6


All the parts ready for fitting to the car over the wing plenum tubes near and offsides Fig 7

To fit remove the front and rear scuttle clips as in the plenum photo shoot at the start of the thread, this will help when you feed the netting under the scuttle to seal the appeture/gap over the tubes, if you did not cut the corner before you can cut it to shape now Fig 8

Once you have cut to shape and held the nett in place by the bolts holding the bonnet hinge and the gutter clip near side passenger drill two 5mm holes for the cable ties Fig 9

Cable ties attached Fig 10

A little nick in the nett so the tube can be rodded Fig 11

Neat finished job all for £1 or £2.49 the most and 20 mins of your time at home or a meet Fig 12-14



This is real easy and well worth doing Arctic.
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