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Old 7th July 2012, 23:18   #13
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Default Seats removed & waterlogged floorpan

Saturday 7th July finaly a bit of sun came out giving me chance to get my seats and console out of the Tourer to tackle the water ingress under the carpet which is/was soaking, i mangaed this after fitting a handbrake compensator for a fellow member and a few other little mods plenum spyhole bonnet cable mod and couple of hose cable tied back from rubbing which after finishing we had a downpour for about 15mins.
Once the rain had stopped again i got the seats out console out then proceeded to remove the carpet jeez what a weight it was with the added water any member whom can feel a little damp on the surface of their carpets you can bet your hide that there is a least an 1" of water under the carpet as the foam as become so sodden with water it can no longer soak up anymore and is showing you its now flooded underneath photo's below.
Fig 1 carpet looks to be ok just wet to the touch yer really :roll:

peel the carpet back and you find this figs 1-4


So do not be tricked into thinking it's only a bit damp thats becuse as stated above the carpet is soaking to its limits, i manage to get the carpet out with a great struggle as it weighs loads and also pours out water as you bend and twist it out of the passenger door the amount of water you see in the floor space in the photo's below is only half as there is as much again still soaked in to the carpet foam.Figs 5-6


Front footwell where it all starts and then flows backwards into the space under the seat and finaly into the rear footwell because of the gaps under the floorpan strengthening bars which the seats bolt to fig 7

This photo shows the dry floor pan now all the water as been sucked out with a wet & dry hoover Fig 8


Under floor heating duct ready to be connected after being removed to clean up the water Fig 9

Fitted back on to the heater Fig 10-12



Here are the carpets removed and drying out after being jumped on while lying on the decking so most of the soaked in water could be squeezed out between the gaps in the decking lucky for us we have this otherwise its squeezing by hand, mangaed to leave them in the last bit of sun for the day for about 30mins before it started to rain again and had to place them under cover i will do the same process over the next few days until dry weather permiting of cause.Fig 13

You maybe think how is it the carpet is in two pieces thats because when i originaly made my car a guinea pig for the first fitting of the handbrake mod i caut my carpet at the rear to get to the plate covering the compensator so just cut the two little pieces that joing the carpet over the exhaust tunnel coverred up by the console and will beeasier to fit back cuts unseen.Fig 14

Seats safe in the gazibo with the carpets these can now have a good clean with vanish re-wash bar bringing them up like new Fig 15

Will add the update of drying out tomorrow mean while enjoy the couple of videos of sucking up the deluge of water from the sunroof drainage hose which is so badly fitted but not anymore.Arctic
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Last edited by Arctic; 14th November 2018 at 18:57..
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