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Dallas 12th December 2018 14:09

Door Dinks Why?
A total disregard for other peoples property, that is my ZT and TF now with door dings.

If I ever see this happen, my door will not be the only thing that gets a dinging, I can tell ya.

I myself will now no longer be careful when opening my car door, if you cant beat them, join them.

What goes around, comes around... as they say.

tantallon 12th December 2018 14:16


Originally Posted by Dallas (Post 2693911)
A total disregard for other peoples property, that is my ZT and TF now with door dings.

If I ever see this happen, my door will not be the only thing that gets a dinging, I can tell ya.

I myself will now no longer be careful when opening my car door, if you cant beat them, join them.

What goes around, comes around... as they say.

Do unto others As you would like others to do unto you

trikey 12th December 2018 14:17


Originally Posted by tantallon (Post 2693914)
Do unto others As you would like others to do unto you

And hop it before the police get there.

roverbarmy 12th December 2018 15:21

I spent a good few minutes arguing with a woman and her daughter, who had just abandoned a supermarket trolley next to my car. I pointed out that the trolley park was just three parking spaces further down. I got a mouthful of abuse that I hadn't heard since working on a building site. I pushed the trolley behind her car so she had to get out to move it - more abuse but she still just pushed it away. I guess that she must have been what she called me but the female version! After she left, I parked the trolley where it should have been. I also take my 93 year old mum to the local library, where I wait in the car whilst she does her "browsing". The performances of attempts to park have my nerves on edge. :shocked: Seeing some folks escape their car doors, via the tiny gaps that they have left, leave me in no doubt where the dinks come from!

BoroRover 12th December 2018 15:50

I get so annoyed when I got back to Jasper. Someone had opened their door onto his offside rear door. Some may say, " oh it's only a small dink", but to me, it's huge, and totally spoils the look of the car.

gadget1960 12th December 2018 15:52

Back in the day when I was a paranoid cosworth owner, I came out of a supermarket only to find a woman going through her bag (probably trying to find keys) that she had dumped on the boot of my three month old cosworth ! As I walked up to the car obviously not looking pleased she glared at me and said 'what you lookin at mate' ? I said 'where does it say on my car .. dump your NAUGHTY WORD-NAUGHTY WORD-NAUGHTY WORD-NAUGHTY WORD- here'?
She gave me a load of verbal but still continued to rummage through her bag on my boot!!?
All I can remember of this incident is me grabbing her bag and throwing it into the road and saying .. 'if you're looking for your keys .. they're under that lorry you cheaky Bi*ch.
Got in my car still getting verbal like I had never heard from a woman and drove off.
Perhaps not the best way to handle an incident like that but I hate folk who literally have no respect for other peoples property, that cosworth was my pride and joy, know one gave it to me, I had hard earned every penny to buy it and as I saw it ... it was just pure dis-respect for other peoples property and as far as I was concerned her designer bag was 'fair game'.

Scaramanga 12th December 2018 15:53

Ive seen people ding others cars and not even give a single glance at what they have done :mad:

Trouble is most folk now essentially rent 'their' car as they want the latest model. Gone are the times where a car was paid for with hard earned money, kept and cherrished. Now, like everything else they are just another 'disposable item' :(

Hence the couldn't give a toss attitude.

I park in the furthest reaches of the car park to avoid these type of unwashed vermin and the pointless damage they inflict :getmecoat:

roverbarmy 12th December 2018 15:56

...................... and whilst we are on the subject................. are Rover 75 cars magnetic? If I park mine on its own at the far end of a car park, there's always another car next to it when I get back, despite there being lots of empty space!:icon_rolleyes:

gadget1960 12th December 2018 16:03

Totally agree. i've parked in the farthest region of a car park with absolutely no cars around me, come back to my car only to find a complete shed parked right next to me !??? 200+ other spaces and they park right next to my car?? First thing I do is do a walk round, I can feel myself getting wound up as I do it too.
A bit sad I know but I love my cars unlike the people who just use them as a tool to get from A-B

gadget1960 12th December 2018 16:04


Originally Posted by roverbarmy (Post 2693951)
...................... and whilst we are on the subject................. are Rover 75 cars magnetic? If I park mine on its own at the far end of a car park, there's always another car next to it when I get back, despite there being lots of empty space!:icon_rolleyes:

Hahahaaaaa, my point exactly. Whyyyyyyyyyy???

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