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planenut 7th February 2020 20:35

Frustration With Uneducated Work Colleagues
As a member of the old fffff's club I can have a moan, in fact at work, my tea mug is a "Famous Grouse" edition, so everybody knows who it belongs to.

My work requires knowledge of law and procedures which eventually could be presented for legal use. We deal with people from all walks of life and from many distant parts of the World. Health and safety is very important and providing solutions if flaws are discovered.

One of my full time appointed colleagues lacks courage and commitment, and I know it comes with his culture, he is a very nice bloke.

Of the two trainees at the moment one is a bit slow, and takes a bit of persuasion to get himself "in gear". The other, well, I know it's not politically correct to point out somebody's failings, but this guy is illiterate and clearly not well educated with writing, spelling, grammar or etiquette.

I have had to tell him to acknowledge people when given advice or comment. Without fail, he addresses everybody as "mate" and that includes professional people with whom he has never had any contact.

These people have all had the proper "training" and are almost at the stage of being allowed to go it alone in our field, yet the continued failings of these and others, I am really finding frustrating.

Maybe the time has really come for me to fully retire, as I must really be one of the most annoying complaining fellows in my Office. So many things that now annoy me, perhaps it's time to pull on my dressing gown and slope away.

Sorry to moan, but even the "wall" is now ignoring me.

AndyN01 8th February 2020 07:44

Standards and quality.

IMHO Both on their way out.

Any old tat will do and then we'll argue black is white with dayglo green spots when "found out." :duh:

Oh, and it's ALWAYS someone else's fault.

How many times do we read posts about sub standard stuff :shrug:.

I too had a job working with the law. The shift to "we'll do it anyway" (despite being told it's unlawful....) and then the "surprise" when it all went pear shaped when what had been done came up against the legal process was one of my reasons for leaving it all behind.

Give serious thought to retiring - I'll bet it'll be the best thing for you. ;)


Gate Keeper 8th February 2020 08:04

Good morning Fred, have you got your time in and if you have do you know what your retirement package is? Your work mates and trainees clearly are a mixed bunch with strengths and weaknesses. I wonder if the illiterate trainee is autistic. It’s kind of you to give him guidance on how to address the public and how to behave at work. I guess he is under supervision ;)

SCP440 8th February 2020 10:54

My reckoning is they are all molly coddled through the education process and are all told that they will get jobs and its all easy.

Once in the real world they have not got a clue, a friend took on an apprentice, a nice lad who made all the right noises at the interview. Day one he turned up late and explained he wasn't used to getting up that early so would it be possible for my mate to ring him to wake him up? :eek:. After a few hours this lad kept yawning and asking when he could take a break as he was feeling tired. It was explained to him that apart from a coffee break at 10.30 the next break would be lunch time and he would get an 45mins. The lad explained that would not be enough time to get home, have his lunch and get back so could he have 2 hours? :eek:.

Believe it or not he did not turn up on day 2 just a text saying the job was not what he thought it would be, no sorry but he did get a text a week later asking when he would be getting his wages for the day he did work. You can guess the reply he gave.

He did get a good lad in the end, this person has turned up every day on time, works until he is told to stop and has even said he will do extra if any comes up. So there are still some gooduns out there.

The one I find shocking is the young people that work in shops and are completely thrown when you give them the odd change so they can give you a note or a large coin. One ended up giving me all my money back plus the change as she could not work it out.

planenut 8th February 2020 11:21


Originally Posted by Gate Keeper (Post 2791757)
Good morning Fred, have you got your time in and if you have do you know what your retirement package is? Your work mates and trainees clearly are a mixed bunch with strengths and weaknesses. I wonder if the illiterate trainee is autistic. It’s kind of you to give him guidance on how to address the public and how to behave at work. I guess he is under supervision ;)

Thanks, from Mr. Frustrated.
I appreciate that there are people with various differences, and with tolerance can be accommodated but when it comes to colleagues who clearly do not need that "leeway" but are just short of education, it can be annoying. We all need some understanding, but when one gets a rollicking for not ticking a box on a check list, but some will be "allowed" to miss out on the legal requirements, there is a clearly a problem.

Perhaps, the problem is ME! Yes I know what my "retirement" package is, and I could afford to leave, I am lucky. Standards are slipping and ...............on and on and on, sorry.:getmecoat:

trikey 8th February 2020 20:50

The level of grammar in the workplace frustrates me, only yesterday I had:

The machine requires a new air value (Valve)

Years ago a manager was heard to say 'This machine does have peanewmatics' (Pneumatics)

And as an aside, he thought you could get a drill bit that could go around corners...

macafee2 9th February 2020 08:07


Originally Posted by planenut (Post 2791797)
Thanks, from Mr. Frustrated.
I appreciate that there are people with various differences, and with tolerance can be accommodated but when it comes to colleagues who clearly do not need that "leeway" but are just short of education, it can be annoying. We all need some understanding, but when one gets a rollicking for not ticking a box on a check list, but some will be "allowed" to miss out on the legal requirements, there is a clearly a problem.

Perhaps, the problem is ME! Yes I know what my "retirement" package is, and I could afford to leave, I am lucky. Standards are slipping and ...............on and on and on, sorry.:getmecoat:

A bit over 2 years ago I found I could afford to leave work.
I was fed up with the "I don't care", "Not my job" and "I cant be bothered" attitudes. I had been a workaholic.
I walked away and never looked back

It is frustrating when one thinks things should be done one way and others think something else is acceptable.

It may not bother them but it is bothering you. Leaving is a major decision and not one to be taken lightly.


macafee2 9th February 2020 08:11

I'll just add, I am dyslexic, if it were not for the spell checker, I would probably be thought of as uneducated.

I've re read some of my text messages, I can't believe I wrote some of them as I did not notice the errors when I wrote and sent them. The poor spelling is a dreadful advert for me.


planenut 9th February 2020 08:16


Originally Posted by macafee2 (Post 2791979)
I'll just add, I am dyslexic, if it were not for the spell checker, I would probably be thought of as uneducated.

I've re read some of my text messages, I can't believe I wrote some of them as I did not notice the errors when I wrote and sent them. The poor spelling is a dreadful advert for me.


I have heard from officials in the Court system and legal areas, that where Law Enforcement agencies are resorting to creating electronic records, when they are so busy, they do not check that the computer suggestion for a word change which can change the whole context of the message conveyed. Spell checker is amazing, so long as the person creating the text understands the grammar and reads it again.

Phil th Barrow 9th February 2020 09:12

As thee sayst in stook. Id do thee sen a favour and jack. Theyt oviously over clemmed with thee job me owd mate wen theyt cost b doin somert else thee larkst..


It has come apparent that its time for you to move on to a new "project" as it appears that you've done all you can in this position. With your up coming retirement package and "gold watch" im sure you will be able to have time to task, deal, business, enterprise, strategy, job, program, design, plan, venture, activity, proposal, scheme, calculate, predict, propose, forecast, see, estimate, envisage to full fill all these other goals in life.

Ps. I don't have friends, only colleuges.

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