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Old 21st March 2024, 08:25   #173783
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Originally Posted by stevestrat View Post
Morning Phil and all. No bruising has appeared but jeez its painful. Its ok as long as you don't move but bending, sitting down, getting up etc hurts like hell and don't sneeze or cough Considering phoning the doc to see if there's a more effective painkiller I can take, because of my numerous problems and meds all I can take without asking is paracetamol and it ain't really cutting it. Sleeping is a problem, lying on the injured side hurts, obviously, but lying on the other side I can't avoid my arm resting on the bruised ribs.
I took cocodamol at night for about a week. It's great for getting you off to sleep but you wake up with a jolt - Ouch! It's not for everyone and can be addictive or react with other meds, so take medical advice.

My 99 year old mum is back up and running on all 8 cylinders, so there is an example for you! She's driving me crackers with all the "jobs" now!

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Oil in my veins!
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